How Can We Help you to Ship From China to the GCC Market (UAE & SAUDI) ?

Bulk Shipment

We do not cater to single orders. There is a requirement of Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) which is 20 Kgs (actual weight/volumetric weight)

Direct Sourcing From China

For people who want to import from China, We provide assistance and guidance in sourcing products from China, leveraging our expertise and network to ensure quality and reliability.

Ship By Air & By Sea

We are specialised in both by air & by sea shipments. By AIR, it takes 5 - 8 working goods and by SEA, it takes 35 - 40 working days from our warehouse in Guangzhou China to your destination location in GCC.

Rate Card

Rate Card

Please note that shipment timelines and charges may change depending upon the weather, time (Off season/Peak season) and product type. Some products are considered as Dangerous Goods (DG) which may take a Longer Time & Extra Charges.

Weight of the product will be calculated on actual weight plus the volume/size of the product