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  • Sku: EHN-N-GF-ZAM

UAE Dispatching Time: 0-1 Days, UAE Delivery Time: 1-2 Days

KSA Dispatching Time: 2-3 Days, KSA Delivery Time: 1-3 Days

Dispatching Time: Time to dispatch order, Delivery Time: Time to deliver order to your customer after dispatch

Electric Heatable Neck Massager

26.00 AED
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Product Description

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  • 🌈 5 Modes & 15 Levels: Explore 5 diverse neck massage modes with the freedom to combine them in 15 adjustable levels. Find the perfect mode to suit your needs, offering the authentic sensation of a real massage. For beginners, kickstart your experience with the gentlest setting.

  • Make You Energized: The EMS Portable Neck Massager isn't just a device; it's your passport to body rejuvenation. By swiftly absorbing natural ingredients, it revitalizes and comforts your entire being. Stimulating acupuncture points, it not only provides pain relief but also offers various health benefits. A comprehensive massage alleviates fatigue and muscle tension, leaving you energized.

  • 🔄 Ergonomic Design: Immerse yourself in comfort with the Electric Pulse Neck Massage Cordless. Crafted from high-quality, flexible materials, its U-shaped design seamlessly conforms to the curves of your neck. Enjoy a slip-free experience with no added burden on your shoulders.

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